Sunday, November 25, 2012

Shut up people!!!

I need to vent. Severely.

What the hell is wrong with people?! And their rude comments?! And ridiculous advise?! Who do they think they are?!

I've yet to run across someone who knows Josh and I or our family that doesn't know about our daughter. As word is finally getting out past our family and close friends that we are pregnant again, people are feeling the need to comment. Have you lost a baby before? No? Then shut up!

The further along I get, and the more I start to show in clothes, the more ignorant comments I get. Stop comparing this pregnancy to my previous one. They are not the same baby. And it is NOT ok for you to compare how much "worse" I was before. I've had people tell me I just looked "bad last time" or weak or pale or sickly. Hell, I was puking my guts up everyday because I was PREGNANT! Duh! It wasn't a sign of impending doom. 

*trying really hard not to blow up and start cussing right now*

If anything, my OB was confident in my nausea. And people keep telling me I need to "rest." "You need to rest up. Don't want last time happening again." Can you believe someone would say that?! Yeah, me either, but they did! Right to my face! Do you realize you are indirectly blaming me for my daughter's death?! Because you are!!!! Like I didn't "rest" enough, thus she died. What sense does that make?! Idiots. I'm so sick of google-educated advise from these people!

I appreciate 'congratulations' all day long. But keep your freaking mouth shut about my daughter. I don't need to hear how much I should rest, or how much "better" I look this time, or anything along those lines. Those stupid comments hurt my feelings. I don't care how "well-meant" they are! If you haven't experienced loosing a baby, then chances are your "advise" is probably more hurtful than helpful.

Ugh. If only I could scream it from the rooftop.


  1. Ugh, I wish I could give you a big hug right now! People can be so insensitive!!!!

    1. Thank you so much, April. You're such a sweetheart :)

  2. I LOVE You! & I HATE how cruel & hurtful people can be.

  3. OMG. I can't believe someone actually said those things (well I do because some people are morons) but I can't imagine those words ever coming out of a thinking person's mouth.

    I am so angry for you. And what is with this BS about you looking sickly before? what a mind fuck?!?! Is that some passive aggressive way of saying: I noticed you looked like you were on the brink of miscarriage before because I just KNOW you sooooo well but this time I don't sense it, therefore you can rest easy.


    On the upside I just saw your adorable little picture below and I am now going to look at it, marvel at how cute you are and wish those hurtful people in your life would grow a brain or display some empathy.

    1. Exactly!!!!!! Through your words, I felt my exact emotions in those moments again. Thank you for your sweet, kind words, support, and lack of ignorance :)
