Thursday, August 29, 2013

Sick Baby

It's inevitable. Children get sick. They must. Part of survival for us is immunity. We must be exposed to illnesses to build immunities to them. This is a strong reason I have for actually wanting my son in daycare (only second to socialization). I have been very protective up to this point. With him being premature (and spending time in NICU), his Pediatrician made it overly clear that an illness in the first two months of his life could very easily result in hospitalization. No one touched him without washing their hands. We placed a blanket over his carseat if we had to take him in public. Visitations were very limited, and we absolutely kept him away from small children during that time. But since he's gotten bigger, we've relaxed our stringent routine and allowed some exposure to the World. I have my limits with explorations, but if I feel it is safe, by all means, he may explore. He has been putting everything in his mouth (especially his hands/thumb). And, for the most part, I let him. It is how he discovers the World around him. Why not?

Last week he started getting congested. In my ignorance, I did not know babies could not have pollen/dander/etc. allergies yet. I thought that could have been the culprit as he hasn't had a fever at all.

I was wrong. 

He got his first cold. Viral. He went to the doctor twice. I'm still very nervous about him getting RSV. But the doctor said this was not the case. Phew. That's all that I needed to know. I can take care of him well enough to aid in recovery of the common cold, but not something as serious as RSV this young. 

He's been stuffy and coughs occasionally. He can't sleep lying flat. He's been clingy and wanting to be held almost constantly. He's been fussier than usual for sure. But in the midst of his cat-like purring breaths, he will smile and laugh. And it captures my heart like a small rodent in the talons of a prestigious hawk. 

He's so amazing. Even when he's sick. 

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