Thursday, December 20, 2012

Prescription for Restriction

19 weeks and 5 days today. Almost half way there!

I went alone today for an ultrasound. It's the 1st time I've been alone at an ultrasound. I've been feeling the baby move on a regular basis now. That's reassuring, but I was still nervous to get 'bad news' alone.

Not today, nope. No bad news.

Our precious little baby was so squiggly during the ultrasound. The tech laughed as she told the baby to "be still for just a few seconds please." I loved every minute of it.

No fluid in baby's body cavities! Another little joyous celebration.

I told doc about my legs swelling. I told her that I had a few episodes of shortness of breath at work, a high pulse (120's), and about the crackles in my lungs when I lie flat. She said looking at my history (severe OHSS during IVF with 2 paracentesis and Mirror Syndrome with my last pregnancy) that it appears I'm very sensitive to fluid retention with elevated hormone levels. Nothing 'bad' per se, just different than the way other people regulate fluid.

Just different.

She asked about my hours and the 'type' of work I do (since that's when I am swelling). She already knows I am a nurse. I told her about working 60 hrs last week and that my days were typically 10-12 hrs long on average. I am on my feet nearly all day. She said that was way too much. She told me that studies show long work hours to be directly linked to preterm labor. Yikes! She wrote a prescription saying that I needed to work 8 hr days.

8 hour days?! I haven't worked 8 hr days in years!!! Woo Hoo!

She instructed me to wear at least thigh-high support hose, lie flat for at least 20 minutes after working, and to write down my weights am and pm, BP at least once a week, anytime my pulse is >105 and when I get short of breath, to watch for trends. She is also going to do ultrasounds weekly now, at least until we get to 24 weeks.

I feel well taken care of. Now, I just have to take care of myself and not work so much on my feet.

Christmas is next week, which means so is our big gender announcement! Yahhhh!

1 comment:

  1. Josh was telling me the other day how your Doctor was limiting your working hours and I was very excited for you. This Blog is put together well. Thanks for sharing. I need to come see you guys it's been far too long. I still remember the night you guys told me. I'm still just as happy for y'all. Glad to hear that you and the little guy are doing well. Love you guys!!
