Friday, October 26, 2012

And so it went...

...better than either of us could have anticipated!

Our Perinatologist sat in the room while the ultrasound tech measured the nuchal folds on the back of the neck (another marker for chromosomal abnormalities) and looked at all of the structures we could see on baby. The Peri said that it all looked great! Plus, the little dude was measuring 4 days ahead! And no 'echogenic focus' on the heart!!!!! Woo Hoo! Josh and I were smiling ear to ear. 

Could we really be hearing good news? I mean for the very 1st time in this pregnancy, good news?! I just hope this isn't too good to be true, I thought to myself quietly in this huge ultrasound room filled with five people and an inuetero baby. Baby was the 'star,' though! He was being displayed proudly on the large TV on the wall in front of us. 

We watched him wiggle and squirm. He even did a little nodding for us, kind of like he was rocking in a chair. The ultrasound technician pointed this out. Everyone in the room watched and laughed. I smiled with amazement, because his sister did the same thing when she was 1 week older than him. She bounced on her little butt, and he was rocking. In that moment, I knew they were connected. 

"Maybe I rock too much" I said aloud, followed by some laughter. But anyone that knows me, would have been having a serious debate about that question, because they all know how much I rock. I can hardly sit still. It is a comforting thing for me to rock in a recliner. I found this comfort as a very young child, and it has yet to leave me. Apparently, my children are finding comfort in it, as well. And I'm perfectly ok with that. Though, I told Josh that we will have to have a house full of rockers to satisfy everyone. He agreed.

My Peri seemed more than satisfied with the findings on the ultrasound. She said we could come in as often as we felt necessary to have ultrasounds. She offered the choice to us on when to come back, and how often. 

We chose 2 weeks. 

Yup, our mortal enemy from beyond. The dreaded 2 weeks that we hated so much, that had caused us so much anxiety. We had the choice this time and decided to strong arm the 2 week curse and take it by the horns.

My OB had mentioned that we have no risk factors for aneuploidies (Down's Syndrome, Edward's Syndrome, etc.), and that having normal measurements on the nuchal translucency screening and a nasal bone present had dropped our chances of this baby having a chromosomal issue by 70%. What a relief. 

The blood tests were not back yet, though. That is going to be the real McCoy, feel me? Waiting, waiting, waiting... story of our lives. 

In the meantime, I am finally feeling a little excited and confident. My belly is now a bump, I'm taking less Zofran, and I'm getting excited about finally sharing the news!

Josh and I have been feverishly contemplating on how to tell. We made such a big deal out of announcing our pregnancy with Lexi, that even if she were with us now, we couldn't do that again with another pregnancy. It was our 1st pregnancy, our 1st baby, and we don't regret it all. We simply shared our excitement in the most exciting way we could imagine! 

We shared the news of our pregnancy with Lexi on Thanksgiving with our parents and siblings, then on Christmas with extended family. We told friends here and there, then shared the announcement video on Facebook last. 

This time we have been thinking of taking pictures and emailing them or announcing in person. We want to tell in person, but we can't really think of a way that we appreciate. As for pictures, we considered a picture of our feet (and maybe the dogs feet, if we could get them to cooperate) then a pair of gender-neutral baby shoes. The bottom would say "Our family is growing by 2 feet on May 11, 2013 (or in Spring 2013 or in May 2013)." Love that one! Maybe I could make a big picture of that with two smaller pictures, like an ultrasound pic, Josh rubbing my belly, holding a sign with the due date, a bun in the oven, etc. I think I just made up my own mind!

When we go back in 2 weeks, there is a possibility we could find out the gender. I think I caught a glimpse of some jewels at the last ultrasound. Josh says that's just me getting in my own head, because I am so sure that it's a little boy. 

We have decided to hold the gender a secret. We will either announce that in a special way on Christmas morning, OR we will keep it a secret until birth. If I know our family, they will hold us in contempt for not telling them ASAP, though.

Plus, we want a gender specific nursery. So, no one would be allowed to see the nursery until after the birth if we kept it secret. It's a tough decision. The other drawback to this decision is a gender-neutral baby shower. I actually want pink or blue stuff and a specifically themed color for a boy or girl shower. I was robbed of a baby shower with Lexi. 

Josh and I were never able to be showered with gifts for her arrival. I strongly contemplated not ever having one after she passed away. What if we had a baby shower with all of these wonderful items to shower and take care of our baby just to lose the baby afterwards?! This is how a momma that has lost a baby thinks, always. But I soon began to see that even though we had not had a baby shower, our friends and family were constantly showering us with gifts for her. From bedding, clothes, and shoes to a bassinet, stroller, and breast pump. I still have friends and family just holding gifts they have for us, waiting for the day Lexi's brother or sister will grace our presence. 

I love those people. Josh and I are so blessed with friends and family. We don't talk to them everyday, or go out every weekend, but no matter how long we go between speaking, we just pick up where we left off with them. We are truly blessed. So, we definitely want to create a special day to share with our friends and family that have showered us from the beginning. 

I will be 34 weeks on my birthday (which is on a Sunday), and I can't think of a better way to spend my birthday than with my friends and family showering and preparing Josh and I for this new little life that we just know will be coming home with us!


  1. Love love love this. You are such a great writer and I can't wait to read more posts! Look at that sweet Alfalfa!

  2. You are! Annnnd now I nominated you for your first blogging award! Already on the first day your blog is active. I see a bright blogging career in your future! :)

    I nominated you for the Liebster Blog Award. To find out more about the rules, the award and what you do check out this post blog. :)

  3. Awww what a cutie he is!

    I really like your birth announcement idea. I am so uncreative and lazy with that kind of stuff and always regret it later. But the dog/people feet photo is great idea!

  4. I'm not that creative either :P I just google it!
