Friday, January 11, 2013

A Real Face (3D ultrasound)

On small occasions, we get to try the 3D ultrasound! Our Perinatologist suggested the tech try this time, since everything looked so good. She figured maybe we could get a good face shot for keepsake. But he would NOT be still. He just has to be still for a few seconds, so the computer can process the still image. Nope, wasn't happening. She tried several times before deciding to try and switch over to 4D to get a good shot. And it worked! Here's the very first glance at our son's face:

His eyes are still fused shut this early. The Peri said his features may change a bit as he is just starting to accumulate fat on his body, and he still has a ways to go. His cute little upper lip makes him look like one of the Simpsons characters. Just adorable. Based on his measurements, he is measuring 1 week ahead and weighing in at one whole pound now! Amazing! We are so blessed.