Speaking of testing himself, he's discovered the stairs. This fun obstacle must have been built just for him, or so he thinks. Stair-climbing has become his new hobby, while mom and dad frantically follow close behind with open arms.
He's also walking really well while I hold his hands. It feels like he's just going to let go and take off. It's so surreal how quickly time has passed since he was born, how much he's grown and learned. It's amazing in every way amazing can be amazing.
My Pitter is still growling and talking up a storm. Dada is still his favorite word. He has pronounced every sound in the alphabet except z. He's going to be the kid that gets in trouble for talking in class. That's ok; he comes by it honestly.
He's a social little stinker. We were walking him in his stroller in a busy shopping plaza one afternoon, and it was cold. People were hurrying to get from the stores to theirs cars and vice versa, including ourselves. And here this kid is yelling at everyone! He yelled "aaaaahhhhhhh" at every single person that hurried passed him. In the store, he was intently staring at people. If they didn't acknowledge and make faces at him, he'd yell at them, too. And people seem to find this hilarious, because as soon as they look at him, they're greeted with a big, warm baby smile. What feels better than that, right? Then, they happily oblige to his wishes. Babies are so smart. It just continues to baffle and amaze me at how they hypothesize about something, then create the opportunity to test their theories.
Daycare is only slightly better. I spend lots of time with him in the mornings in his classroom before I have to leave for work. It's still really hard. I'm so thankful for the camera system, though.
10 months:
•Likes rolling toys.
•Likes rolling toys.
•Likes to spin things.
•Grinds teeth.
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