Saturday, December 22, 2012

20 weeks

I can feel the baby moving all of the time now!

Seen a good friend of mine post a screen shot of this app on her blog, thought it was genius! Here's all credit to you, Amanda ;)


  1. Replies
    1. One day, I'll get enough patience to sit at a real computer and link you. Lol Until then, I'll be lazy on the mobile app :)

  2. So, so, so excited that you keep feeling the baby move! Can't wait to be at that point!!!

    1. I know, right?! I can't wait for you to feel the movement all of the time either! It's the most amazing feeling (especially after what all we have been through to get here)!

  3. Thank you for sending me the link. I read from the beginning. I cried. Tears for Lexi, for the heartbreak you guys have been through, for the insensitive comments (wth?).
    You are an amazing person. You will be a wonderful mother. That beautiful little girl has changed you in ways I can't even imagine. I can't wait until the day I see a picture of you, Josh, and this precious baby. Then I can't wait to hold that sweet bundle :-)

  4. Thank you so much, Charlie! You're the best :)
