Thursday, November 15, 2012

Boy or Girl???

We had an ultrasound today. AND..... we got to find out the sex! Hahahahaha. I laugh because we aren't telling! Yet...

I did set up a little poll to get any guesses on the right column. It's only viewable in the website version of this page, though.

So, basically we have to stop saying 'he,' because we are consciously aware of the sex now. 'He' would either be wrong or a give away. I guess the nickname Alfalfa has to go, too :( Again, either it's completely inappropriate or a dead give away. Sigh. This is going to be harder than I thought.

The ultrasound tech and Perinatologist were so impressed as to how much detail they could see already at 2 days shy of 15 weeks. They were able to do a 'partial' anatomy scan. That's impressive to me so early, but they were really in awe. We saw the four chambers and valves in the heart and all of the bones in the arms and legs. Everything looked good :) That makes mommy and daddy very happy! The rest is gibberish.

The ultrasound tech switched over to 3D! And we got the coolest pictures! I can only share one, though. The other has the legs apart, and if you were looking for sex you would know, because something would either be there or it wouldn't...

Cute lil booger, huh? ;) I've had multiple people think the baby's bent knee was a penis. Um no. That is either going to be a flattering accusation for a son one day, or quite an offensive one for a daughter. So, to set it straight, IT'S A BENT KNEE PEOPLE. Thanks. 


  1. Seriously. So so cute!!!! LOL about the bent knee comment. Whether it's a Boy or Girl, I think you've got a rockstar on your hands... :)
