Friday, September 13, 2013

5 months

Weight: 21 lbs (99.7%)
Length: 26" (57.9%)
Head: 45.5 cm (98.2%)

I just realized Pitter will be celebrating birthdays on Friday the 13th every now and again. Halloween has always been one of my favorite holidays. I love scary shit. I've been a haunted house lover as long as I can remember. My husband, on the other hand, polar opposite. It will be interesting to see which direction Pit goes on this. On this Friday the 13th he is going in the direction of almost half of a year old! Five months, baby! Yeah!

Luke has found his feet. He's been grabbing them every chance he gets when he is on his back. He shows out in the bathtub and splashes like crazy, then grabs his feet in approval of himself. He looks at his hands now, too. He's been clasping them together for a while, but now he intently looks at them.
He is wearing mostly 9 month clothes now. He can wear some 12 month stuff. His monthly picture is in a 12 month onesie. I had to buy a pair of shorts in 18 months because his legs and belly are on the plump side. He is still in a size 3 diaper, but I'm not sure how much longer. They are fitting more snugly these days! 

Pitter hates peas, but loves sweet potatoes. We've only fed him purées about once a week the past month. I'm still breastfeeding and supplementing when needed. This feeding shit is no joke. It's hard! He's had diarrhea a lot lately (not from illness), and finding the source has been maddening. I don't eat dairy, but I still have soy, wheat, nuts, and other potential allergens. I was going to stop breastfeeding, but when I pumped and dumped my milk out, I held back tears. Something tells me that means I'm not ready for that yet. I experimented with strictly formula for 2 days, but he still had diarrhea. I think it's the new sensitive formula we switched to. He's had congestion, coughing, and diarrhea without an explanation since we switched his supplemental formula. His Ped wrote it off as viral, but, oddly, he never had a fever. This may be why his weight gain slowed down this month, or he may finally be leveling off a bit. I'm going to switch his formula again to that really expensive shit. The hypoallergenic stuff that requires a second mortgage to finance it if you're strictly formula feeding? Yeah, that stuff. I'm tired of my baby being miserable and fussy and uncomfortable. Josh and I are going to request a cow's milk protein allergy test at his 6 month check-up.

Luke checks every new thing out with his mouth. He drools all over it, then places it in his mouth. My assumption is that he is seeing how different textures feel and taste on his lips, gums, and tongue. The drool is his body's way of coating things with germ-fighting enzymes to protect him when he is in exploration mode, so explore on my miniature little scientist. 

He is still gnawing on his hands and fingers a lot, but I still do not see "white caps" on his gums or feel teeth. He sucks his left thumb when he is sleepy. It's adorable. Josh and I both were thumb suckers. I was a righty, Josh a lefty. Luke looks to be falling in daddy's shoes on this one. Thumb sucking is cute, but it can be a bad thing down the road. Josh and I both had difficulty stopping in our childhood. I even had to wear a "bridge" in the roof of my mouth to stop when I was a kid. And it was placed in my mouth semi-permanently like braces by a dentist. But the adorableness (and not having to find, wash, and keep up with a pacifier) is the worst non-deterrent ever right now. Plus, Luke wouldn't take a pacifier if you forced him.

Pitter prefers to sit up most of the time. He can sit up supported very well. He sits up unsupported well for short periods. And he still loves to stand. He picks his feet up as if to walk, but doesn't quite make the steps correctly, yet. On his back, he pulls his knees up to his chest (usually to grab his feet) and rolls to either side freely. He hates being on his tummy still and refuses to roll onto it. When he is on his tummy, he holds his head up high and supports himself with his forearms and elbows. He can do mini push-ups and support himself with his hands, but prefers not to. He's probably further behind than most babies his age is this area, because he has despised tummy time since day 1. He doesn't roll from tummy to back; doesn't even attempt it. He has been trying so hard to crawl, though. He can make a triangle out of his body by planting his toes, straightening his legs, and pushing his butt straight up in the air. He has been making "crawling motions" with his legs. He grabs the play mat and tries to pull himself forward by kicking his legs. He clearly needs more upper body strength, though. He has a LOT of weight to be trying to pull. He will go in a 360 degree circle on his belly. I think our next big milestones will be sitting unsupported and crawling.