Weight: 18 lbs 9 oz (99.7%)
Length: 25" (57.9%)
Head: 43 cm (98.2%)
Luke is laughing out loud, grasping his hands, and making lots of funny faces. He smiles at new people. He laughs and smiles at daddy more than anyone. Daddy has the magic touch when it comes to rocking him to sleep. He still isn't sleeping through the night. He usually wakes up once or twice for a small feeding, then back to sleep until I wake him up to nurse before I go to work.
He likes sucking his left thumb (when he can find it). He chews on his fingers and drools... A LOT. His Pediatrician looked in his mouth, felt his gums, and said it didn't look like he was teething yet.
He usually takes 5-6 oz of breastmilk in a bottle when his babysitter watches him. His doctor said 30 oz of milk a day is the maximum he should have now. He said it was ok to start him on stage 1 foods now, and he could have as much as 2 oz at a feeding twice a day. It's exciting to think of feeding him solids already, but I'm still up in the air. The "golden age" for starting solids is 6 months. Our Pediatrician agreed. But with Luke's weight and his appetite, it is hard to keep him at 30 oz/day. As long as breastmilk/formula stays his primary source of nutrition, we may try it. We just switched his supplemental formula from Similac Advance to Similac Sensitive to see if it helps with his sensitivity to dairy. It's still a milk-based formula, but lactose free. I am still not having any dairy in my diet, and that is going well for him. I experiemented with milkshakes (Ahhhhhh I MISSED them!!!), and he ended up with diarrhea and just not acting like himself. I felt terrible. No more dairy for this momma.
Luke is wearing mostly 6-9 month clothes. 3-6 month onesies are too tight on him. Some 6 month clothes fit, Some 9 month clothes fit.
He hasn't rolled over yet. The Pediatrician said the chunky ones usually rollover later. Ha! That's ok. I love his chunky little butt. I give him a little nudge, and he rolls right over by himself; he just won't initiate it. He isn't thrilled about being on his tummy either. He tolerates it much better than he used to, though. The kid loves to stand. Any time we go to pick him up, he straightens his legs and pulls himself up to standing.
He 'talks' up a storm. He says 'momma' a lot. He isn't saying it purposefully yet, but I enjoy hearing it just the same. It's hard to keep up with the reality of how fast he is growing up.